James E. Rogers College of Law
You + Our College = True Love on Valentine’s Day!

Your generosity ensures that University of Arizona Law is one of the most affordable, accessible sources for excellent legal education in the country, where our scholars do research and policy work that makes for a just and thriving world. A legal education is a life-changing experience, and with your support, we can give our students the resources they need to transform their passions and skills into fulfilling careers.

A New Day in Court

This fund will transform the law student experience by constructing new state-of-the-art courtrooms that will literally put advocacy skills front and center in our law school.

Public Interest Summer Fellowship Endowment Fund

Provides forever funds in honor of College of Law Dean Emerita Toni Massaro to support students with fellowships who accept unpaid summer positions with public interest organizations.

College of Law Student Scholarship Fund

Scholarship support makes a real difference in the careers and economic well-being of deserving students.

Law Dean's Innovation Fund

This fund supports initiatives that attract students, support faculty, encourage research and growth, and further our mission as a global leader in legal education.

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