Through its various programs, the College of Humanities helps students become both concerned citizens and employable graduates. Our first-rate faculty educate students in the most important skills needed in today’s global workforce: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, leadership, adaptability and intercultural competence.
College of Humanities Scholarships
Provides critical scholarship support to deserving students enrolled in disciplines across our college.
By selecting a department below, you will be supporting its students as they gain the valuable skillset that only a world-class humanities education can offer. Beyond our degree-awarding departments, several of our centers—including the Center for English as a Second Language (CESL), the National Center for Interpretation (NCI), and the Writing Skills Improvement Program (WSIP)—offer programs and services not covered by tuition and fees to a wide range of high school students, nontraditional students, and more. Impact the life of a student by making a gift to your chosen fund from the list below.
Africana Studies Scholarships
Classics Scholarships
Critical Languages: Alexander and Mary Tsien Dunkel Endowment
East Asian Studies Scholarships
French Scholarships
German Studies Scholarship Endowment
Interdisciplinary Studies Global Award
Italian Scholarships
Public and Applied Humanities Scholarships
Religious Studies Scholarships
Russian and Slavic Studies: Teresa Polowy Memorial Scholarship
Spanish and Portuguese Scholarships
School of International Languages, Literatures and Cultures: SILLC Global Award
Center for English as a Second Language: Dr. Frank P. Pialorsi Student Scholarship Endowment
Friends of the National Center for Interpretation
Friends of the Writing Skills Improvement Program